Call 410-442-5753, or Email Us To Place Your Order
As Always FREE Delivery - Excludes Pallets of Stone & Nicolock Products
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Prices Subject To Change
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Licensed, Bonded and InsuredMHIC #36850
Creative ideas for use include but not limited to Patios, walkways, flooring & stepping stones....let your imagination run wild.
A pallet of 1" thick holds approx. 160-180 square feet of stone.A pallet of 1-1/2" thick holds approx. 120-140 square feet of stone.
Sold by Full Pallet Only - Approx. 1-1/2 tons
There is a deposit on the pallet. Pallet must be returned in good usable condition for a partial refund.
Collections: Stone & Gravel
Type: PA Flagstone